Wish List

Some things we're wishing for

[Approximate cost (in parentheses).]

  • CNC Plasma Cutter ($10k)
  • CNC Router ($10k)
  • Drills and Drivers. Dewalt, Milwaukee, Bosch. ($100 each)
  • Palm Sanders. Dewalt, Milwaukee, Bosch. ($50 each)
  • Large exhaust fan ($500)
  • Wood clamps of all types; e.g., pipe clamp kits, Bessy, Dubuque Clamp Works aluminum clamps ($10-100 each)
  • Shop Vacs. With filter; NOT bag ($200)
  • Multi-Meter ($30)
  • Soldering Iron ($30)
  • Consumables ($10-$50)
  • Wood glue (Tight Bond 2)
  • Paint brushes
  • Saw blades (10” & 12”)
  • Grinding wheels (any)
  • Drill bits (any)

How to donate

If you're interested in donating items, it's best to contact us first as the needs of our members change often. All donations are greatly appreciated and you will receive a donation receipt as we are a 501(c)3.